Zero-Search-Time Computer Documentation (Stone Serif)
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Welcome to the Future of
Technical Documentation!
The approach is based on a brand new kind index. Here is how it works: at the beginning of the index, users are told to think of the “thing” they want to perform a task on, and then look up that thing in the index. There they will find a list of all the common tasks that can be performed on that thing. They click the one they want instructions for and get the instructions. It’s that simple.

Example: suppose a user has just bought a piece of software that makes possible the uploading and downloading of files to a web site. The user wants to upload a file to a web site. He or she is in a hurry, has no time to “read the manual”. He or she simply brings up the online index, reads the simple rule for finding things, goes to “file” in the index, and among the tasks finds “Upload a file to a web site”, clicks on that task and gets the instructions.


If you have any questions or want further information email or call (510) 548-3827